The Advocacy Committee is an advisory committee to the AAVMC Board of Directors. The committee serves to support Strategic Goal 1.3 – To influence and advocate to promote the interests of academic veterinary medicine with key decisionmakers.
Committee Charge
The charge of the committee is to:
- Develop a unified voice for advocating for veterinary medical education globally, where common issues exist
- Ensure that the needs and concerns of AAVMC member institutions are incorporated into the AAVMC legislative and regulatory process in a systemic and inclusive process.
- Assist member institutions in developing advocacy competencies.
- Formulate AAVMC policies on legislative and regulatory matters and transmit recommendations to the Board of Directors for consideration.
- Assist in the implementation of the Board of Directors-approved governmental affairs agenda by encouraging all AAVMC member institution representatives to contact federal officials and staff while in Washington, D.C., and/or the home district.
- Submit an annual report of committee activities to the Board of Directors at the AAVMC Annual Meeting.
The committee shall be comprised of five members representing U.S. colleges/schools of veterinary medicine, one member representing either comparative medicine or veterinary science departments, one member representing Canadian colleges, and one member representing International colleges. The AAVMC liaison to the AVMA Legislative Advisory Committee and the AAVMC liaison to the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities also serve as members. Members shall serve for three-year terms and may be reappointed. The committee will recommend to the president of AAVMC a chair and chair-elect.
The purpose of the committee is to assist the AAVMC Board of Directors in formulating and implementing AAVMC legislative policy and AAVMC positions on federal regulatory proposals.