The Annual Conference Planning Committee (ACPC) is an ad hoc committee that reports to the AAVMC Board of Directors. The ACPC supports the AAVMC’s strategic goal to serve as the thought leader and primary advocate for veterinary medicine by increasing member engagement in shaping and advancing the work of AAVMC (Strategic Plan Goal 1.1).
The Annual Conference Planning Committee focuses on selecting the annual conference theme, developing the call for proposals, and improving representation of all groups in academic veterinary medicine through programming in diversity, equity and inclusion.
The chair of the ACPC is the AAVMC president. Committee members are the chair, past chair, or designee of the chair of the following five AAVMC committees: Advocacy, Academic Affairs, Research, Admissions and Recruitment, Leadership, and Diversity. The At-large Director Representing Region III or IV, or that person’s designee, is also a member, and the AAVMC past president is an ex-officio member of the committee.
The ACPC is constituted each year in April and discharged at the conclusion of the following Annual Conference.