Audience: Students
AAVMC’s new learning management system, AAVMC Learn, offers a variety of educational content for existing and potential veterinary students and faculty.
Veterinary Debt Initiative Strategic Plan
Competency-Based Veterinary Education: Milestones
This booklet describes developmental milestones for each of the thirty-two competencies. A milestone is an observable marker of an individual’s ability along a developmental continuum. The CBVE milestones are written at four levels to describe the behaviors of a typical learner: Novice: the minimum expectation for entry to clinical rotations Advanced Beginner: developing competence Competent: […]
Competency-Based Veterinary Education: Entrustable Professional Activities
The AAVMC Competency-Based Veterinary Education (CBVE) Working Group is developing a number of documents to assist in the dissemination of their work. In a companion document entitled “CBVE Framework”, the nine domains of competence are defined along with a list of competencies for each domain. Domains are broad distinguishable areas of competence that constitute a […]
Competency-Based Veterinary Education (CBVE)
Competency-Based Veterinary Education (CBVE) is an approach modeled after competency-based medical education and is designed to prepare graduates for professional careers by confirming their ability to meet the needs of animals and the expectations of society. This approach focuses on outcomes-based and learner-centered education and assessment. The CBVE Model was originally published in 2018 and […]
AAVMC CEO Shares Perspective on Educational Debt
Educational debt in the United States now exceeds $1.5 trillion. Many experts believe this level of debt represents a substantial threat to future economic wellbeing. This debt-load is the result of decades of rising tuition costs that have occurred across the spectrum of higher education and professional school, and it has certainly affected academic veterinary […]