A New Era Unfolds
This video celebrates the AAVMC’s move to a new building at 655 K Street NW in Washington, DC, and thanks our many collaborators.
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This video celebrates the AAVMC’s move to a new building at 655 K Street NW in Washington, DC, and thanks our many collaborators.
The anniversary Facebook page will feature anniversary celebration news, collect and showcase information about what our member institutions are doing at the local level to advance the celebration. Members are invited to Tweet and leverage other social platforms as well.
A resolution template describing the impact of academic veterinary medicine, the AAVMC’s anniversary, and the contributions our members make in their own states and regions adaptable for a variety of programs.
This attractive brochure outlines the history of the AAVMC as well as the scope and major components of the celebration.
A promotional PowerPoint slide that can be used in a variety of organizational and individual presentations.
A variety of promotional ads in various sizes and configurations have been created for placement in print and electronic publications. Download the print ads:
A fast-paced 30-second broadcast PSA customizable for local institutions designed for placement in major commercial television markets. Schools are asked to insert their school name, logo and website and logo on white or black during final three seconds. Schools may wish to include their founding date to avoid confusion about 50th anniversary date. We need […]
A compelling six-and-a-half minute profile of the AAVMC and modern academic veterinary medicine.