November 2013 |
Greetings from the AAVMC![]() From the Director’s Desk: It sometimes feels like the world is spinning faster on its axis, doesn’t it? It seems like yesterday we were wrapping up our summer meeting in Chicago and getting underway with fall semester. And just like that, the Holiday season is upon us. But when you stop and think about it, much has happened in between. We’ve processed almost 30,000 applications for the Class of 2018, added new affiliate members, and planned and presented meetings that enrich student learning and advance veterinary education. Through it all, we’ve continued to work with our partners in the profession, business and government to help create a better world for veterinary medicine, so veterinary medicine can help create a better world for everyone. Please take a few minutes to learn more about what’s happening in academic veterinary medicine in this edition of “Vet-Med Educator.” And best wishes for a wonderful holiday season. Dr. Andrew Maccabe Executive Director, AAVMC |
AAVMC 2014 Annual Conference to Focus on One Health Leaders from academic veterinary medicine and related disciplines will convene to focus on “One Health in Veterinary Medical Education” during the AAVMC Annual Conference in Alexandria, Va., on Friday, March 14 through Sunday, March 16, 2014. Hear from professionals working on the front lines of One Health. Learn how to incorporate One Health principles and practices into the curriculum. Grapple with real-life challenges that affect animal, human and environmental health and much more. Learn more and register. |
Applicant Numbers for 2014 VMCAS Cycle Constant The number of applicants for admission to veterinary medical school for the 2014 Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS) cycle remained essentially the same as the number during the previous year, but the overall number of applications rose, based upon recent VMCAS data. Learn more. |
The “Average” Veterinary College Applicant Ever wonder what the average applicant to vet school is like? AAVMC researchers have constructed a composite of the average applicant offered admission for the 2014 VMCAS cycle. View the profile. |
AAVMC Plans Veterinary Medicine Caucus Briefing on Educational Issues Educational debt, veterinary medicine and re-authorization of the Higher Education Act will highlight a breakfast briefing scheduled on Dec. 3 for the Veterinary Medicine Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives, sponsored by the AAVMC and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). The caucus is led by two House members who are both veterinarians. Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-OR) and Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) formed the caucus to increase awareness of the importance of veterinary medicine and address issues in veterinary medicine that affect the nation. Learn more and see who is new on the caucus. |
Primary Care Veterinary Educators Convene for World Symposium About 70 veterinary educators representing more than 60 AAVMC member institutions gathered at Purdue University for a conference focused on primary care education in academic veterinary medicine October 17-20, 2013. The 2013 AAVMC Primary Care Veterinary Educators (PCVE) World Symposium was designed to help companion animal primary care educators generate new ideas and develop new approaches through presentations and networking. Learn more. |
AAVMC Meets with NICHD Leadership The AAVMC recently met with officials from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for the purpose of building relationships and exploring opportunities for collaboration between AAVMC member institutions and the institute. AAVMC staff frequently arrange meetings for deans and associate deans of research from member institutions to meet with NIH officials in an effort to develop relationships that can lead to sponsored research collaborations. Learn more. |
COE Selection Committee Established The AAVMC has established a five-member Council on Education Selection Committee that will appoint members to the American Veterinary Medical Association’s (AVMA) recently restructured Council on Education (COE). Learn more and see who is on the committee. |
Deadline Approaching for Proposal Submissions to VEC Symposium The Nov. 15 deadline for submitting session proposals for the 2014 AAVMC Veterinary Educator Collaborative (VEC) Symposium is approaching. The AAVMC-sponsored symposium, which will be held June 13-14, 2014, on the campus of Iowa State University, features nationally and internationally renowned veterinary educators describing their work in the classroom and clinics, with content custom-designed to inform, inspire and motivate veterinary educators. Learn more. |
Three New Affiliates Join AAVMC Three new affiliate members have joined the AAVMC in the past several months. The schools are: the Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo, Japan; the College of Veterinary Science and Medicine at Central Luzon State University in the Philippines; and the School of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery at Universidad Veritas in San Jos�, Costa Rico. Learn more. |
Texas A&M’s Eleanor Green Appointed APLU Representative The AAVMC Board of Directors has appointed Dr. Eleanor Green, the Carl B. King Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University, as the AAVMC’s representative to the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU). As liaison, Dr. Green will serve as a member of the AAVMC board and represent the AAVMC on the APLU’s Commission on Food, Environment, and Renewable Resources (CFERR) Board on Veterinary Medicine and the Board on Agriculture Assembly Budget and Advocacy Committee. Learn more. |
Veterinary Health and Wellness Summit Presented at Ohio State Rising costs, student debt, financial worries and concerns about workforce opportunities have added extra stress to the lives of today’s veterinary school students, who already contend with the demanding nature of rigorous academic programs. In recognition of that growing problem, The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine hosted the first Veterinary Health and Wellness Summit On September 25 and 26, 2013. Learn more. |
North American Veterinary Leaders Meet in Mexico Officials representing the organized veterinary medical communities and academic veterinary medicine in the United States, Canada and Mexico recently convened in Oaxaca, Mexico for a North American Veterinary Leadership meeting, where AAVMC Executive Director Dr. Andrew Maccabe presented an update on U.S. academic veterinary medicine. Learn more. |
AVMA Presents 2013 Veterinary Workforce Summit About 50 leaders from organized veterinary medicine, veterinary academia and business recently gathered at AVMA headquarters in Schaumburg for the 2013 Veterinary Workforce Summit. The goal of the summit was to create a system that will provide a more sophisticated system of data collection and analysis related to workforce issues. Learn more. |
Partners for Healthy Pets Launches Consumer Campaign |
![]() The Partners for Healthy Pets (PHP) has launched the consumer education component of their multimillion dollar campaign designed to increase preventive health care for companion animals. The comprehensive digital and print campaign urges consumers to call their veterinarian and make an appointment for a yearly checkup immediately.The AAVMC is a major sponsor of the program and 18 of its member colleges of veterinary medicine are affiliates. The AAVMC is encouraging all member institutions to partner with the initiative. Learn more. |
Tufts Part of $24 million NIH Translational Science Award The Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), which includes the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, was recently awarded a $24 million Clinical and Translational Science Award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The $24 million award will help support the institute’s work over the next five years. Learn more. |
Institute of Medicine Elects UC Davis Veterinary Faculty A faculty member from the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine (IOM). Membership is considered one of the nation’s highest honors in health and medicine. Dr. Jonna Mazet, professor of epidemiology and disease ecology and director of the Wildlife Health Center and One Health Institute, becomes one of only 19 veterinarians in the IOM, which includes more than 1900 people. Learn more. |
Academic Veterinary Medicine in the News In 1807, doctor at Penn struck blow for veterinary science (op-ed, Dean Joan Hendricks) Philadelphia InquirerThyroid project at Kansas State sheds light on molecular processes related to cystic fibrosis Medical Xpress University of Missouri vet school partners on cancer study Columbia Daily Tribune Texas A&M veterinary students inform through PEER webcasts The Observer, Your Houston News New study says systems approach is best way to train veterinarians Beef Magazine Fla. veterinary students learn practice management skills through new externship DVM 360 |