MedEdWorld (Global medical education community) (
MedEdWorld is an international health professions community of individuals and educational organisations whose purpose is the sharing of information, ideas, experience and expertise.
VIEW (Veterinary Education Worldwide) (
ViEW represents a community of individual scholars committed to excellence in veterinary education worldwide. ViEW is a not-for-profit organisation which brings together colleagues involved in veterinary education, and shares ideas and experiences with those from allied disciplines such as medicine, dentistry, and nursing.
NOVICE (Network of Veterinarians in Continuing Education) (
NOVICE is a network of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) educationalists working within veterinary schools and collaborating with veterinarians and students. It aims to explore and extend the use of online Web 2.0 tools in veterinary education and lifelong learning.
INVEST (International Veterinary Education in Simulator Training) (
InVeST is an informal group that was started in August of 2011 following a very successful Veterinary Simulation Exchange symposium hosted by the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado.